1. Write the chemical
equation for water.
2. Draw a Stick model of a water molecule
3. Sketch a group of water molecules, showing where they stick together.
4. How is a water molecule like a magnet?
5. What causes surface tension in water?
6. Give an example that you observed of surface tension.
7. Define cohesion in your own words. Give an example.
8. Define Adhesion in your own words. Give an Example.
9. How might these properties explain how a plant pulls water out of the soil and up to its leaves? Describe what you think happens.
Next Subject in Science: Read Chapter two, section 2 (pages 38-41) in your textbooks
Cell Energy -- photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
Copy Figure 3 into your lab notebook.
Finally, start collecting 2-liter pop bottles, preferably clear. Each student will need 5! Youth groups and other meetings might be a good place for this.
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