Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Scientific Method...

...was the subject of Thursday's lesson, and in case you (or your mom) is interested, our story of Agassiz, the Student and the Fish is linked on the sidebar under "Homework," as is The Demise of the Pumpkin, which you should start on immediately.  You will need two pumpkins, one carved, one whole, and a place to keep it for the next two months.  You will observe these two pumpkins and write down your observations in your science notebooks, and take occasional photos, when you see something new happening.  Don't forget to write down your "why" questions--"why does the..."--- in your notebooks, and think up a hypothesis to answer them. 25 points

Also for homework is this website:  If you click on the link, a new page will open up. Click on the "Log In" button to enter the password and username.  The username for this site is:
pcshome, and the password is: ilearnathome.
First watch the movie (it's short), then do the Related Features (click the boxes beneath the movie): Activities (print out the 3 pages--you may need to watch the movie over to answer some questions), Quiz (no need to print this).  FYI is optional  (click the circle icons at the top of that page and it will open up some reading pages. 25 points total:
5 pts for movie, 5 each for the activity pages, 5 for quiz)

1 comment:

  1. Actually, the password is "pcshome" You posted it backwards, I think.
