Thursday, May 9, 2013

You Knit Me Together...

  Now that we have extracted DNA from strawberries, split peas and broccoli, can you agree with me that DNA is amazing and beautiful?  How about just amazing??  Every living thing has DNA, which stores the information to copy itself, to make new proteins and to direct the activities of the cell.

On Monday we will finish our unit on DNA by watching some videos that will put it all together for us--DNA in ACTION!  And we'll take a look at how our technology has been revolutionized by the discovery of Watson & Crick  back in 1953, when they walked into a bar and said, "We've found the secret of life!"

Homework is to complete the Chapter 4 review (not section review, but the questions at the end of the chapter.) 

By the way, has anyone seen my copy of the textbook? It  has "teacher" written on the sides.

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