Monday, June 3, 2013

Biodiversity, Current Events, and (ouch!) Natural Selection

Biodiversity Research Project - from last week - If you didn't do this yet, compete it now, and be ready to share on Thursday. (for instructions, look at last blog)

Other than that, here is a 10 minute video you might find fascinating; it is about wooly mammoths, and the possibility of un-extincting them by reconstructing their DNA.  How cool would that be!  (?)

For an explanation of Natural Selection,  an 8-minute video by Stated Clearly.  I appreciate that the narrator makes a distinction between "descent with modification" and "common descent"--something I will go over  next class--and the difference between facts  and conclusions. If  you or your parents are concerned about this topic, I understand people have strong feelings about this, and I respect that. This subject requires much thought and discernment.
If you would rather skip the video, do another short report like the last (see Thursday's blog)

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