"A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts and arguments on both sides of each question. "
Charles Darwin
So let's think about our experiment in class yesterday--modelling natural selection with spoons and scissors and macaroni and toothpicks and a bunch of other stuff. What did it mean, and also what did it not mean?
Here is a shortened version of an article from this site,
Truth in Science, which you or your parents might appreciate for a fuller discussion.
Galapagos finches showing different beak shapes
On the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific
Ocean, close to the equator, there are a variety of different
finches, which vary in the shape and size of their beaks. It appears
that the finches colonised the Islands from mainland South
America, and then diverged in form. The distance between the islands
meant that the finches on different islands could not interbreed, so
the populations on the different island tended to become distinct.
Different populations also became specialised for different food
sources, birds with thin, sharp beaks eating insects and birds with
large, sturdy beaks eating nuts.
Darwin collected some of these
finches when he visited the Galapagos Islands, and it is often stated
that the finches were key to the development of his theory of
evolution. They are used as evidence for his theory in many textbooks.
Were the Finches important to Darwin in formulating his theory?
When he was on the Galapagos Islands, Darwin did
not notice that different islands had different finches. Neither did he
realise that the finches were closely related despite their differences
in beak shape. He did not match different beak shapes to different
diets. Even after his return to London, Darwin's biographers note that
he "remained confused by the Galapagos finches...unaware of the
importance of their different beaks...He had no sense of a single,
closely related group becoming specialized and adapted to different
environmental niches." (p. 209, Darwin - A. Desmond and J. Moore).
all Darwin did was speculate that the different finches had descended
from a common ancestor and had changed to be able to do different
things. He was never sure that the different species were from
different islands. He certainly never came up with the detailed theory
for how the finches diversified which the BBC suggests. ...
What do the Finches demonstrate about evolution?
the finches were not important in the work of Charles Darwin, they do
tell us something about evolution. In particular, over the past few
decades, two scientists have done an excellent long term study on the
finches on one of the Galapagos Islands. This is accurately described
by the textbook
Advanced Biology. (Jones, M., and G. Jones.
1997. Cambridge University Press) The authors recount how from 1977 to
1982 there was a drought on one of the Galapagos Islands, and due to
natural selection the average finch beak size became larger…
However, this proved not to be the end of the story. If it continued in this way, the average beak size of G. fortis would continue to get larger and larger. But this has not happened (p. 153)
cumulative change does not occur for two reasons. (1) There are
disadvantages to having a large beak, especially when a bird is young.
This can
outweigh [no pun intended!] the advantages. (2) The selection pressure on the
island fluctuates. In 1982 the drought stopped and there was selection
for birds with small beaks.
It can therefore be argued that the
study shows natural limits to evolutionary change. Variation in a
species is a good thing, as it gives them the ability to cope with
environmental change, but variation does have limits.
textbooks do not go into such detail, and simply describe the finches
as a good example of a range of species evolving from a common
The Galapagos finches afford an excellent
example of adaptive radiation. It is assumed by evolutionists that a
stock of ancestral finches reached the islands from the mainland and
then, in the absence of much competition, evolved to fill many of the
empty ecological niches occupied on the mainland by species absent from
the islands.” (p. 725) Advanced Biology. Roberts, M., M. Reiss, and G. Monger. 2000. Nelson
Galapagos finches were not as important to Darwin as is often claimed,
but they are a good example of micro-evolution. They show us that
finches can vary in their morphology [shape], and that natural selection has a
role in this.
This study does not give evidence for
macro-evolution, and does not prove that natural selection and random
mutation could produce the living world as we know it from simple
single-celled ancestors.
So here is a fun interactive that sums up what natural selection is--NOT NECESSARY to AGREE or to draw a conclusion--simply to understand the idea.
Who Wants To Live a Million Years? Game click here
Read, and then play the game until you can consistently win.