Monday, December 10, 2012


The coloring page I passed out in class-- The Elements of Life-- read and follow the directions on the back. 10pts

Some Review Videos Forming Molecules with Atoms  ***IF YOU LIKE SONGS
[brown letters = web site ... left click with mouse]
"Learn how atoms bond to form molecules with this great chemistry video. Water is made up of millions of molecules which are in turn made up of atoms.
This video touches on important topics such as protons, electrons, electron shells, valence electrons, the periodic table of elements, how water molecules are formed and more."
"This great animated video teaches kids about the different elements of the periodic table with the help of a unique song.Learn about various gases, metals and compounds, find out what coins are made from, what makes balloons fly high in the air, what living things are made of and much more. Meet the elements of the periodic table with this great chemistry video for kids."
 5 Pts, just for listening.

A Quizlet to help you learn vocabulary, created just for you.  Choose "Print" and follow directions to make your own flash cards or play any of the games online.  This is a site you will find very helpful in your academic life, including history class! (If you have older siblings who have been in my class, ask them.) Experiment with how to use it. (or just print from here.) I will give a short vocabulary quiz on Monday for up to 20 points.

Finish up your Pumpkin logs/reports/questions.  See side bar if you have lost the directions.  This is worth up to 100 points and must be turned in next Monday, completed. I will look at them and return on the last day before vacation.

On Thursday we will be sorting and classifying the molecules of life--so in preparation I want you to sort out and organize something else; it could be your closet, shelves, toy box,  a messy drawer or cupboard, part of the garage, or... ask your mom or dad for an idea.  Your mom can assign the point value, up to 25 points for a job well done.  Have her write it in your lab notebook.

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