Homework starts with some very short videos that you will enjoy. Please take a few moments after watching to write down 3-5 sentences: one sentence which summarizes the video clip, and two or three sentences which tell an interesting or important fact that you would like to remember.
decomposers 4min video : The Unseen World
Watch and summarize. 5 pts.
[I hope by now you all realize that the brown letters are a website, and if you left-click on it, it will automatically open up in a new window.]
Planet Wild - fungi
Watch and summarize. 5 pts.
Mushroom Mycelium Feeding on Nematodes!
Watch and summarize. 5 pts. And here's the
The Musical Version
Gross fact: The largest nematode ever was found in the placenta of a sperm whale. It was 8 meters long (25 ft.)
It was named, appropriately enough, Placentonema gigantisma.-+
The ones in your garden do not get this large--they stay mostly microscopic.
A page of facts about nematodes:
Now, for today's question: Where does the matter that make up the pumpkin come from? From the soil? Yes, but just a little of it. 98% of the mass that make up living things are just a few types of elements- carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Where does the carbon come from? Here's a clue: Brainpop - photosynthesis ( pcshome ilearnathome )
Only watch movie. 5 pts.
And here is a story to read (one page): The Cyclic Journey of an Atom Please print it out and put it in your binders. Extra points if you read it aloud to your mom. 5 pts. +5 extra credit.
Lastly, of interest to you boy-type people, here's a little bit on Punkin' Chunkin' - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=sXuQvAPwcOE&NR=1
(My apologies for the one coarse word.)
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